本研究拠点の母体は、「京都芸術大学 舞台芸術研究センター」(以下、KPAC)です。同センターは、2001年の設立以来、文部科学省、文化庁等の各種助成を受けつつ、創造と研究が結びついた独自の研究活動を行ってきました。最大の特徴は、他の研究機関に類例のない本格的な劇場施設「京都芸術劇場」(春秋座、studio21)を有していることです。同センターでは、①具体的な舞台芸術作品の創造・発信事業を「ファクトリー機能」、②舞台芸術作品の創造を何らかの点で視野に入れた実験や研究を、〈大学の劇場〉が果たすべき「ラボラトリー機能」と位置づけています。
Base overview
The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Performing Arts at Kyoto University of the Arts was founded in 2013 as a certified Joint Usage / Research Center by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
The parent organization of the research center is the Kyoto Performing Arts Center (KPAC), created to foster a more organic connection between creation and scientific research in 2001. KPAC is supported by various grants including a grant from the Agency of Cultural Affairs. The unique strength of KPAC as a research center is to be equipped with Kyoto Art Theater, which is comprised of a kabuki theater ‘Shunjuza,’ and a multipurpose small theater‘studio21’. Having full scale performing facilities, KPAC, as a university theater, sets out two missions; 1. The Factory Project – to produce and present performing arts work and 2. The Laboratory Project – to research and analyze issues that may, one day, be included in a performing arts creation.
The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Performing Arts utilizes Kyoto Art Theater as its research base and aims to implement laboratory projects on performing arts research and creation.